Family Dedication is a special part of the main gathering when parents or guardians dedicate themselves to love and guide their children towards a relationship with Jesus Christ in a God centered home.
New Hope provides environments where kids can learn about God and honor Him with their lives. However, we also realize that your kids spend far more time with you than they do with us. If kids grow up loving and obeying God, it will be more a result of what you’re doing at home rather than what we’re doing at New Hope.
Family Dedication is more a dedication of the parents than of your child. As children grow, they will make their own decisions about their relationship with God. Dedicating your family is optional—the Bible does not require it. Being a part of this gathering will not get your child into heaven or have their sins forgiven. By being a part of Family Dedication, you are publicly committing to raising your child in an environment that helps them make the right choices.
This is not infant baptism. Each person has to make their own choice to follow Jesus with their life. Baptism is the next step in publicly sharing that decision. We ask that children wait until they are of reasonable age to have a better understanding of baptism.
We do our best to provide great programming in safe and fun environments so your kids will want to come to church. Since we see our role as a partnership with you, we often provide kids with take home materials on what they have been learning. This way parents can continue the conversation in the car on the way home, and throughout the week. Helpful resources are provided on our website for parents to access anytime.